This world will pass away

This world will pass away

Last week we kicked off our Term 4 sermon series on Rev 17-22.  Where Rev 6-16 outlines the judgments God is currently pouring out on our sinful world, Rev 17 begins a new section that discloses what will happen once those judgments are complete. It begins with a...
More identity for life

More identity for life

Last week we concluded our October Outreach series by looking at how Christianity offers a more resilient identity for life.  Yet forming an identity is not something people are taught how to do; it is rather imposed upon us by our culture.  In his book ‘Sources of...
More meaning to life

More meaning to life

Across October we’ve been looking at how Christianity offers certain things in more abundance than other world views or religions, such as (i) a more certain hope, (ii) more lasting satisfaction, and (iii) more durable meaning to life.  Apart from staunch atheists,...
Christianity gives more

Christianity gives more

Across the month of October we’re looking at a topical series investigating how Christianity offers us 4 things that are necessary for human flourishing.  By this I don’t mean oxygen or water; I mean (i) hope, (ii) satisfaction, (iii) meaning and (iv) identity. We...
Our need for hope

Our need for hope

One of the more basic, but often hidden facts of life is that humans need hope.  People in POW camps or gulags will often just lay down and die if they feel they have nothing good waiting for them on the outside, whereas those who desire to see their family again...
Enable your servants to speak boldly

Enable your servants to speak boldly

Each year we dedicate the month of October to outreach, where we hand out flyers, put on exciting events and cater our Sunday services to seekers.  Simply turning up like every other Sunday won’t make an impact for the kingdom.  Now is the time to Pray, Invite and...