Defeating Pride

Defeating Pride

Jesus reserves his harshest attacks for the Pharisees, beginning about a year before his crucifixion (Matt 15).  Just days from his death, Jesus launches his most scathing attack, focussed on the Pharisees overweening pride (Matt 23:1-12), which is best described as...
The Greatest Commandment

The Greatest Commandment

In Matthew 22:46 we’re told that ‘from that day on, no one dared to ask [Jesus] any more questions’.  So what did Jesus say that so terrified his listeners?  It must have been how he answered the last question asked him, which was ‘which is the greatest commandment?’...
What will heaven be like?

What will heaven be like?

In one of his run-ins with the Jewish leadership, Jesus is asked about the afterlife (Matt 22:23-33).  The question comes in the form of a trap from the Sadducees, who want to show the superiority of their theology (that there is no afterlife), as well as alienate...
Politics that changes the world

Politics that changes the world

Last week’s sermon looked at the famous ‘render unto Ceasar …’ passage, where the Pharisees try to trap Jesus with a question about tax.  If Jesus says ‘don’t pay the tax’, the Herodians would have cause to try him for treason, whereas if Jesus says ‘yes, pay the...
Wedding Clothes

Wedding Clothes

Last week’s sermon looked at another of Jesus’ crazy parables, with a curious twist at the end.  Whenever we see something strange in Jesus’ parables, we need to ask why he would say it.  For example, why did the landowner in Matt 20:1-16 keep going out looking for...
Tenants or Owners

Tenants or Owners

Last week’s sermon looked at maybe the craziest of Jesus’ parables; the parable of the tenants (Matt 21:33-46).  It’s about an investor who renovates his farm to rent to some farmers, who pay ‘rent’ by giving the owner a certain share of the crop.  So when harvest...