Gospel fruit

Gospel fruit

Last week’s sermon passage included the very famous ‘fruit of the Spirit’.  While many Christians may be able to recite some or all of the fruit, there is much we may not know about this important topic. To begin with, Gal 5:22 talks about the ‘fruit’, singular; not...
Gospel Freedom

Gospel Freedom

The great Church father Tertullian (155-240AD) is reputed as saying ‘just as Jesus was crucified between two thieves, so the gospel is ever crucified between two errors’.  As we discussed last week, those errors are (i) legalism (attempting righteousness by works) and...
Known by God

Known by God

What is the main aspect to being a Christian?  If we asked a thousand Christians what it means to be a Christian, most would probably speak about knowing God, or being in a relationship with God.  And that would be a very good answer, as it is incredibly important to...
Children of the Gospel

Children of the Gospel

There is a growing number of videos on YouTube these days of parents filming their children whilst being given adoption papers.  The children cry tears of joy, feeling overwhelmed by love and security.  In Gal 3:15-4:7, the Apostle Paul asks the Galatians if they feel...
Growing in the Gospel

Growing in the Gospel

In last week’s sermon passage (Gal 3:1-14) the Apostle Paul asks the Galatians a question in v. 3: ‘After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?’  Paul’s subject matter is how one grows as a Christian. The Galatians knew...
Acting in line with the Gospel

Acting in line with the Gospel

When the Apostle Peter withdrew from the Gentiles at mealtime (Gal 2:11-21), Paul didn’t tell him off for being racist.  He did a curious thing of simply pointing out to Peter that his actions weren’t in line with his beliefs.  You see as a Christian, Peter believed...