Across October we’ve been looking at how Christianity offers certain things in more abundance than other world views or religions, such as (i) a more certain hope, (ii) more lasting satisfaction, and (iii) more durable meaning to life.  Apart from staunch atheists, most people know we need a purpose in life beyond simply ‘rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic’.  But what is the meaning of our existence?

Atheism tells us that because this life is all there is, there is no meaning to life.  If our sun is simply going to explode in a few billion years, everything we do will be forgotten.  Given this is an untenable way to live, most atheists prefer to pretend there is some meaning, like perpetuating the species, human rights, or helping the helpless.  Yet such people are not being honest with their world view.

Others believe happiness is the meaning to life, for if this world is all there is, ‘let us eat and drink [and be merry], for tomorrow we die’ (1 Cor 15:32).  Yet such an existence is incredibly narcissistic, claiming the whole universe is here simply to serve my pleasure.

A third common belief is to live for something beyond yourself.  While this is very noble, what happens when suffering attacks your meaning, such as getting fired (career) or losing a loved one (family).

The Bible tells us God created the universe to share his love and generosity with others.  As such, the reason we’ve been put here is (i) to declare God’s infinite love and generosity (or ‘grace’) and (ii) to enjoy that love and generosity.  Or in other words, to be in a relationship with our creator.  Given we are all sinful, this can only occur through the forgiveness found in our Lord Jesus Christ.

What makes this more attractive that the other ‘meanings’ our culture offer us is the fact that Jesus willingly gave his life, in order to bring us to himself.  When we discover that the meaning of life is the man Jesus, it makes us want to live for him.  So come and enjoy the meaning of life: Jesus.