Across the month of October we’re looking at a topical series investigating how Christianity offers us 4 things that are necessary for human flourishing.  By this I don’t mean oxygen or water; I mean (i) hope, (ii) satisfaction, (iii) meaning and (iv) identity.

We will find that most religions or world views offer a version of these things, as it is hard to retain adherents when you tell them things will not get better, you will never be satisfied, you have no purpose and you will never know who you are.  The purpose of this sermon series is to argue that Christianity gives more of these 4 things than any other world view or religion.

For example, Christianity offers a future hope of a resurrected body, fit to live in paradise for eternity.  The thing that stands out about the Christian hope is it is based on the historically provable fact of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.  Christianity offers a more certain hope.

It also offers a type of satisfaction that is not based on the ups and downs of our circumstances.  While we all experience moments of joy and sadness, Christianity offers us a treasure that cannot be taken from us, even by death.  As such, while Christians still experience hardships, they do not crush us, because they cannot take our ultimate treasure. 

The point of this sermon series is not to provide all the answers to life, the universe and everything.  That would take more than just 4 weeks.  It is to stretch our minds and see that Christianity is making some bold and attractive offers.  Now maybe you don’t believe in an offer that is too good to be true.  But surely you’re ready to at least find out if it is true.  So if you would like more hope, satisfaction, meaning and identity in life, then come and see what Christianity has to offer.