Baptism Policy

Baptism Policy

Last week we looked at our policy on Communion; including how children can partake of the Lord’s Supper if (i) they are baptised, (ii) they understand the gospel, and (iii) they’re old enough to examine their lives. This week I wish to briefly look at our other...
Ignoring The Spirit

Ignoring The Spirit

In John 16:7 Jesus says it is for our good that he returns to heaven, so that the Spirit can come. Acts 4 shows one of the reasons it is better to have the Spirit than the physical presence of Jesus. Just days after Pentecost, the apostles Peter and John were dragged...
Real Pleasure

Real Pleasure

The US Declaration of Independence says among the unalienable human rights, given by our creator, are ‘the preservation of life, and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’. While we might think the pursuit of happiness to be a somewhat selfish, and therefore...
Fruit of the Spirit

Fruit of the Spirit

In his book ‘Forgotten God’, Francis Chan suggests many Christians today have neglected the Holy Spirit; to our enormous detriment. One example is in the Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). He asks, should not Christians, who have the Holy Spirit residing in them,...
A clearer view of Sin

A clearer view of Sin

On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to fighting your sin? Non-Christians have very little reasons to serve or honour God by fleeing sin. They may however see the negative effects of particular sins, and conclude their lives would be better without them. The...