In his book ‘Forgotten God’, Francis Chan suggests many Christians today have neglected the Holy Spirit; to our enormous detriment. One example is in the Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). He asks, should not Christians, who have the Holy Spirit residing in them, expect to exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit in supernatural degrees? Should they not exhibit more kindness and faithfulness than Mormons; more self-control than Muslims; more peace than Buddhists; more joy than atheists?’ What disturbs Chan is Christians are not really bothered that we look very similar to non-Christians. We work the same hours, pursue the same goals, wear the same designer clothes, and choose to face life’s issues and circumstances in the same way. Christians worry, strive and grieve no differently than unbelievers. So how can we change this? Chan rightly says it is NOT by simply mustering up more willpower. We are not strong enough or good enough to show more love, joy or peace on our own. Rather, Chan gives 2 things to focus our energies and our time in: 1. Pray and ask for help from the one person who actually has the power to change us. Take specific time out to pray that God will put the Fruit of His Spirit into our lives in supernatural quantities. 2. Spend time with our mentor; Jesus. Rather than simply trying to do what Jesus did; spending time with him (through reading and meditating on his word) will make us WANT to be more like him. Although God wants his children to experience his peace and love, he often waits for us to ask him. Why? Because when it comes through prayer (i.e. not our efforts), no one can steal his glory.