To Work or Not To Work

To Work or Not To Work

The Bible says there is nothing humans can do to earn salvation; for justification is by grace alone. But what about after we’ve been saved? Should the Christian life consist of hard work; or are we sanctified (grow in Christian maturity) by grace as well. The answer...


Rushing off to the emergency department for a paper cut is a little melodramatic. But what if someone is bitten by a Brown Snake, and decides a Band-Aid is all that’s needed? How foolish to ignore the expert physicians God has given us. But why doesn’t this cross over...
To Lie Or Not To Lie

To Lie Or Not To Lie

In Exodus 1 we are confronted with two midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, lying to Pharaoh about why they have not killed the baby boys he ordered them to kill. This raises the question ‘is it OK to lie sometimes’? The scenario often posed is of German Christians who were...
Ashamed Of Christ

Ashamed Of Christ

One of the biggest inhibitors to Christians spreading the good news of Jesus is fear that people will look down on us; or worst still, make a humiliating comment about our faith in front of others. Let’s be honest, no one wants to be ‘shamed’ in front of others. Yet...
Hating Superheros

Hating Superheros

The two superhero movies released this year investigate the topic of infighting between superheroes (‘Batman vs. Superman’ and ‘Captain America: Civil War’). One of the biggest criticisms of these movies is how some within the movies are portrayed as hating our...