The two superhero movies released this year investigate the topic of infighting between superheroes (‘Batman vs. Superman’ and ‘Captain America: Civil War’). One of the biggest criticisms of these movies is how some within the movies are portrayed as hating our superheroes. Are the movie critics right in this criticism?

To determine this, we first need to understand that a superhero must (i) have a super power (hence ‘super’), and (ii) use that super power to rescue others at great personal risk (hence ‘hero’). Yet most superheroes also have flaws; which often cause the general public (within the Marvel and DC universes) to turn on their saviours. The issue is, is this hatred justified? Regardless of their flaws, these superheroes have risked their very lives to rescue them.

This week’s Holiday Club has looked at the topic of superheroes, painting Jesus as our ultimate superhero. Yet while Jesus had the power to heal the sick, raise the dead, and calm the storm, his real superpower was his ability to take the punishment for all his people upon himself. The fact that he was willing to not just risk his life, but GIVE his life in order to do this, makes him the greatest superhero ever.

Yet many people still hate Jesus today. Why? Jesus himself tells us it is because he says things some people don’t want to hear (John 7:7). Yet regardless of what you think of Jesus’ teachings, He still gave his life (not just great personal risk; but great personal cost) in order to rescue you from your sins. If you are still rejecting Jesus because of some of the things he taught, you need to ask whether your response is justified. Are you right in rejecting the one who gave his life for you?

Brendan McLaughlin