

Several weeks ago we looked at what the moral life looks like (24th June), which the Bible says is doing what is ‘loving’ for the ‘other’.  Let’s apply this to the hot topic of abortion. The question over when life begins was settled over a decade ago.  At...
Handling Hardship

Handling Hardship

The last 3 sermons have covered the 12 years of hardship God subjected Joseph to in Egypt, as both a slave and a prisoner.  God used this time to transform Joseph into one of the greatest leaders the world has ever known, saving more lives than any other person in the...


C. S. Lewis says of pride; ‘there is no fault which makes a man more unpopular, and no fault which we are more unconscious of in ourselves.  And the more we have it ourselves, the more we dislike it in others’ (Mere Christianity).  So how do we fight this insidious...
Are you enjoying God?

Are you enjoying God?

As our regulars know, our vision is; ‘Bringing glory to God by calling all to delight in Him as their ultimate treasure’.  My question today is, how are WE going at enjoying God?  For our ability to delight in God directly affects our enthusiasm to call others to do...
Spiritual Retreat

Spiritual Retreat

Our church vision has 7 core values by which we operate, 2 of those being ‘The Bible: Rejoicing in God’s word’ and ‘Prayer: Enjoying God’s ear’.  Since prayer and Bible reading are 2 of God’s principle ‘means of grace’, the Bible encourages Christians to spend regular...
Praying Courageously

Praying Courageously

This week we’re looking at the second instalment in our series on the Joseph narrative; Judah and Tamar (Gen 38).  Along with last week’s sermon (Gen 37) this passage challenges us to pray courageously.  Praying courageously is different to praying practically (give...