Held Accountable to God

Held Accountable to God

Last week’s sermon passage was about as complicated as it gets, due to several textual issues: (i) The phrase ‘not at all’ (Rom 3:9) is better translated ‘not altogether’.  There IS an advantage in being a Jew (i.e. they have the Scriptures; the treasure map to God –...
Under Sin’s Power

Under Sin’s Power

In today’s passage Paul talks of those who are ‘under the power of sin’ (Rom 3:9).  While most scholars believe this refers to ALL humans, the sermon will argue it is about ‘the wicked’ (i.e. non-believers). The Bible is at pains to ensure believers and non-believers...
The Importance of Baptism

The Importance of Baptism

Over the past few weeks we’ve been looking at how some Christian doctrines are like a seesaw; in that it is easier to tilt into error than keep the right balance.  After covering the doctrines of obedience and Communion in previous weeks, I now wish to look at the 2...
The Importance of Communion

The Importance of Communion

Two weeks ago we looked at the importance of ‘the obedience of faith’ (Rom 1:5) in protecting against the two main errors in preaching the gospel; those being ‘legalism’ (it’s ALL about obedience) and ‘licence’ (obedience doesn’t matter at all).  This week I want to...
The Importance of Obedience

The Importance of Obedience

The letter of Romans opens with the Apostle Paul outlining his mission in life (1:5); to call all people to ‘the obedience of faith’ (‘the obedience that stems from faith’).  This same phrase closes the letter (16:26), indicating it’s importance.  This importance lies...
The Importance of Sunday Worship

The Importance of Sunday Worship

The word ‘worship’ comes from the Old English word ‘worth-ship’.  It means to ascribe worth to something.  As such, the meaning of life is to worship.  To ‘bring glory to God, and enjoy him forever’ (Westminster Confession of Faith) means God is to be the most...