Several weeks ago we looked at what the moral life looks like (24th June), which the Bible says is doing what is ‘loving’ for the ‘other’.  Let’s apply this to the hot topic of abortion.

The question over when life begins was settled over a decade ago.  At fertilization, a chemical reaction begins, which if given the right environment, will create a human baby.  While a fertilized embryo may not be a human yet, an ethic of love will give this living being (with human DNA) what it needs to reach its goal of growing into a human baby.

Furthermore, the embryo has unique DNA.  As such, the catch-cry ‘my body, my choice’ is scientifically incorrect.  Abortion is not cutting out a cancerous growth that is part of the mother’s body (i.e. shares the DNA of the mother); it is removing a separate body with unique human DNA from the environment it needs to survive.  While abortion IS justifiable where the mother’s life is in danger (e.g. an ectopic pregnancy), surely an ethic of love places the life of an unborn baby as of greater importance than the mother’s convenience, or even mental health.

How then do we love the mother?  As few women contemplate an abortion lightly, the loving thing to do is give them as much support as humanly possible.  This includes (i) counselling, (ii) outlining ALL options, (iii) protection if suffering an abusive relationship, and (iv) comprehensive love and support (e.g. financial, time, a sympathetic ear, etc) regardless of what choice she makes.

If the mother/couple choses to have the abortion, Christians are to show the same Christ-like love we show anyone who sins.  Do not judge (Matt 7:1-2); rather remember abortion requires the exact same atonement as our own sin; the death of an immortal being.

Abortion is a complicated and emotional topic.  May we take a breath and remind ourselves of the grace of God before doing anything, and then do what is loving.