Why do humans allow someone to cut into us with a scalpel?  It is because we expect the surgeon will give us a brighter future.  If we know an outcome is going to be positive, we’re more prepared to face it.  This is why Revelation 21 is such an amazing gift.  It tells us of our amazing future.

To begin with, heaven is going to come down to earth.  While heaven is currently a spiritual place, it will not remain that way.  The NT tells us that believers will receive their resurrection bodies (2 Cor 5) upon Jesus’ return (1 Thess 4) and live a physical life on a renewed earth (Rev 21:1).

Second, heaven will be glorious.  The imagery John uses to describe the heavenly city is bright and shiny, with walls made of previous jewels, roads paved of transparent gold, and gates made of giant pearls.  Yet this city structure radiates with the Shekinah Glory of God (Rev 21:11).  When we walk into heaven, our gaze will be captured by the most stunningly beautiful being in existence, which will be so overwhelming we will feel the need to turn away every so often just to catch our breath.

Yet even better than that, heaven will fulfil our deepest longing (Rev 21:6), which is absolute validation from the only person who matters.  The picture given in Rev 21:2 is that God will be as ravished by his purified church as a groom is by his bride.  What this means is, while we are singing God’s praises in heaven, he will also be singing ours.  We know this because of what God was willing to pay to purchase us; everything.  How amazing to know we will feel completely loved and accepted by the only person who can give perfect, infinite and eternal love and acceptance.

If that is our future, then Christians are well equipped to face anything this life can throw at us.