Mystery is one of those words that conjures up images of Sherlock Holmes, big boxes with question marks on them, or the name of that meat that is inside a sausage. But what is the mystery God has revealed to us Christians from the Bible? This week at Camp Earl our young people have been opening the book of Ephesians and asking the question, what is the mystery God has given us in Jesus.

It has been a fun filled week of scorching heat, cryptic murder mystery games and time spent in the Bible. As the week went on, this mystery has become clearer and clearer. We have seen from Ephesians that God has revealed Himself to us through Jesus. This might seem like a simple thing, but it is glorious. No longer do we need to sacrifice half our wealth for a chance to meet with God, no longer do we have to traverse the globe searching for Him. He is near to all who seek Him, because He can be found through His Son Jesus.

Please take the time today to find a young person, or a leader and ask them what they have learned this week on Camp Earl about the mystery of God revealed in Jesus. Maybe you will hear about the incredible news that we have been chosen by God even when we have not deserved it, maybe you will hear about what it means that we are one with Christ, or that we are included with Him, or maybe even that we reflect Him in our relationships. Our God is not a shadowy heavenly figure, rather He is a God of relationship that wants us to know Him. That’s why He has given us His word. What will you discover about Him today?

James Delanty