GWhile the majority of people in Australian society are generally happy to discuss spiritual matters, there is a growing number who think people of religion should keep their mouth shut when it comes to their beliefs.  They find it offensive that people of faith would try and convince others to believe the same thing they believe, and will denounce those who try to convert others.

The one big problem with this, is that it is thoroughly hypocritical.  These people are actually doing the exact same thing they’re denouncing.  By telling people not to impose their beliefs on others, they’re in fact imposing their beliefs on others.  Who says consenting adults aren’t allowed to discuss matters of faith, leaving open the possibility that one may convince the other of their view point?  These people are trying to convince others of their view point, that convincing others of their viewpoint is wrong.  Do you see the problem?

The fact is, Christians share their beliefs about Jesus with others because we are thoroughly convinced it is the only way to save people from their sins.  Some claim this to be bigoted; yet it’s not.  As one preacher has put it, if a scientist finds the cure for cancer, and tells all the other scientists they’re looking in the wrong direction for the cure for cancer, he’s not being bigoted.  Either he’s right or he’s wrong.  It’s the same with Christians.  Either Christians are right that Jesus is the only way to have our sins forgiven, or their wrong.  It’s up to each individual to decide that for themselves.

As Christians, we believe there are only 2 ways to deal with our Sin.  We either deal with it ourselves, which means suffering an eternity in Hell, or we accept Jesus’ free gift (what the Bible calls ‘grace’) of taking our Sin away on the cross.  It truly is an offer that’s too good to be true.  So let’s share with the world the good news of Jesus!