The message of our sermon series this term (Heb 1-10) has been that Jesus is supremely glorious.  The author outlines how Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory, the final word, greater than angels, our pioneer through death, greater than Moses, our path to rest, our great high priest, the priest-king, mediator of the new covenant and the perfect sacrifice.  In a nutshell, Jesus is awesome.  So … what now?

Hebrews chapter 10 sees the first extended piece of application in the letter so far.  The question is, what does the author want us to do?  If you had just written 10 chapters on the supreme glory of Jesus, what is the first command you would give people to do?  The author gives 3 closely related commands.

Firstly we are to ‘draw near to God’ (v. 22).  This means building the deepest and most satisfying relationship with God we can.  Deep relationships don’t come through ignoring what the other person says, or only showing up when we need something.  It comes through regular visits where we talk (prayer) and listen (Bible).

Second, we are to ‘hold unswervingly to the hope we profess’ (v. 23).  If you have found the greatest treasure in all existence, do not be so foolish as to let it go.  The message of the author throughout Heb 1-10 is ‘stick with Jesus’.

Third, we are to help our Christian brothers and sisters to do the same.  To begin, we are to ‘spur one another on’ (v. 24), which literally translated means to irritate one another.  If we do not have people in our lives who are challenging us when we stray, then we will not grow.  Then we are to ‘encourage one another’ (v. 25), which literally translated means ‘to call alongside’ (Greek: Parakaleo).  Never underestimate the power of telling people they’re doing well.

May we respond to Jesus’ glory by drawing near to him, holding onto him, and helping our fellow Christians to do the same.