Stealing is defined in the dictionary as ‘taking another person’s property without permission or legal right’. In effect, it is forcing others to pay for the things we want, because we decide not to pay for them. While we know stealing is a crime, more and more Aussies are engaging in it; including many Christians.

To begin with, statistics claim 1/3 of Australians over 18 regularly watch pirated movies, while 1/5 of Australians over 18 (or 1/3 of 14-17 year olds) download pirated music. One report estimated that movie piracy alone in Australia led to losses of $1.3 billion in sales in 2010, and 6,100 jobs. Theft through ‘payment fraud’, in particular at the self-serve checkouts, cost Australian retailers over $380 million in 2015. On top of that, whenever we cheat on our tax return, the Government has less money to help the poor, keep Medicare running, or build the roads we all use.

Each time we take something without paying for it ourselves, we are affecting the livelihoods of those who have to pay for our theft. This is why stealing made it into God’s Top 10 list. Trying to excuse theft by claiming companies like Sony or Coles can afford it will not wash with God. There is no such thing as a victimless crime. The CEO of Disney or Woolies won’t feel our theft; but the workers laid off through falling margins will (cf. the 6,100 jobs above).

God has called his people to be radically different to the world. This can only occur through the Spirit showing us that in Christ, we have everything we need. So let’s ask the Spirit to transform our hearts so that theft will not even cross our minds, because we are content with what we have: Jesus.

Brendan McLaughlin