The Commandment I witness Christians breaking most often is number 3; ‘You shall not take the Lord’s name in vain’ (Ex 20:7). This could simply be the result of society’s influence. Being surrounded by movies, TV, friends and family who freely use God’s name in vain can have an effect on us. However, the prevalence of Christians breaking this commandment is more likely due to a misunderstanding of the commandment itself, and the reasons God gave it.

The word ‘vain’ simply means empty or meaningless. So to use the Lord’s name in vain is to use it in a way that empties it of its meaning. The most common example is substituting God’s name for a swear word; e.g. saying ‘oh my God!’ when something amazes us, or ‘Jesus Christ!’ when something upsets us.

The reason God isn’t happy with his creatures misusing his name is because a person’s whole identity is caught up in their name. If someone were to say; ‘what a load of … Brendan’, they’re in effect saying Brendan is a ‘load of rubbish’. In the same way, when we use God’s name in an empty or meaningless way (e.g. as a swear word), we’re commenting on God’s identity. In effect, we’re taking God’s glory (his reputation), and treading it underfoot. This is the exact opposite of the meaning of life; ‘to BRING glory to God’, not take glory from Him. This is why Commandment 3 is the only command with a warning; ‘the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name’ (Ex 20:7).

As our Lord and Saviour, surely God and Jesus deserve better from us than this. So may we tame our tongue in this area, and never use the Lord’s name in a meaningless way again.

Brendan McLaughlin