In the Marvel Cinematic Comics, there is a race of beings known as the Celestials.  They are an ancient race of enormous size, responsible for creating entire solar systems, planets, stars and all.  They are so enormous that they have asteroids floating around them and alter weather patterns if close to a planet.  They are truly incredible beings.

Yet they are puny in comparison to the God of the Bible, who according to Eph 4:10, fills the entire universe.  Now given the observable universe is some 93 billion light years in diameter, that’s a pretty big God.  Furthermore, He doesn’t need to be in proximity of a planet to alter it’s weather patterns, he just needs to speak and his words become reality.

Yet imagine a being of such age, size, power and wisdom deciding to become a human.  Imagine a being with the power to create billions of galaxies, full of trillions of solar systems, choosing to become mortal.  Yet it’s not just the emptying of power that astounds, it’s that God chose to become killable.  God taking on mortality is like the President of the United States  doing a walking tour of an ISIS Caliphate without the Secret Service.  He was asking to be killed.

Yet that’s the whole point of the incarnation (God becoming man) is it not?  God the Son chose to take on humanity so that he could be killed.  Why?  To take the punishment that sinful humans deserve for rebelling against God.  Jesus was killed in our place, so that when we die, we no longer have to pay the penalty for our own sin.

Can you imagine anything more awesome and wonderous!  Imagine a God who emptied himself of his infinite power, so he could be pushed around by a bunch of bullies, then killed.  For that’s the God of the Bible.  No other religion on the planet has a God who was willing to be killed for his people.  That’s what makes the Christian God a truly wonderous God.