Proving the Resurrection

Proving the Resurrection

Neo-Atheists have been claiming for decades that Christians believe in God despite evidence to the contrary.  The fascinating thing is, all they need to do to prove their case is show beyond reasonable doubt that Easter Sunday never happened.  The Bible itself tells...
Climate Crisis?

Climate Crisis?

If you talk to the younger generation today (teenagers and 20-somethings), you will hear that our world is destined for disaster, in their life-time.  And who can blame them for thinking this.  Climate scientists themselves are now admitting they have been skewing the...
Who are the Nephilim?

Who are the Nephilim?

Last week’s sermon passage introduced us to the Nephilim, who are described as ‘heroes of old, men of renown’ (Gen 6:4).  These heroes have long puzzled and delighted readers of the Bible, as the seem like the stuff of movies; not history.  So who are the Nephilim? To...
How will we fix the world?

How will we fix the world?

While the Bible is made up of 66 books, it tells one story of how to fix this broken world?  This brokenness begins straight after ‘The Fall’ (Gen 3), where humanity goes from jealous murder in Cain, to boastful murder in Lamech (Gen 4).  How can this be fixed? The...
Are you a Cain or an Abel?

Are you a Cain or an Abel?

Last week’s sermon looked at the second oldest story in the world; Cain and Abel.  It begins with both brothers giving an offering to the Lord.  Although it’s difficult to spot the difference on the surface, we’re told God was pleased with Abel and his offering, but...