I am here!

I am here!

What is Palm Sunday all about?  Why did Jesus organise for his disciples to get him a baby donkey to ride on as he entered Jerusalem?  Palm Sunday is Jesus sending a message; ‘I am here, and I am your king’. The donkey was from the town of Bethany, which was the...
Passionate Giving

Passionate Giving

Two weeks ago we preached on the topic of giving from Ex 25-26.  We saw that the reason the Israelites were so passionate about giving large amounts away was because of the importance of the Tabernacle.  It was how the perfectly holy God was going to actually reside...
Gospel Boasting

Gospel Boasting

As he brings his letter to the Galatians to a close, the Apostle Paul makes one final comparison between his gospel and the anti-gospel (i.e. ‘no gospel at all’ – Gal 1:7) that the false teachers were promoting.  This difference is in what each adherent boasts about:...
Gospel Living

Gospel Living

Last week’s sermon passage ended with these challenging words: Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers (Gal 6:10).  So what does it mean to ‘do good to all’? The most important thing...
Gospel fruit

Gospel fruit

Last week’s sermon passage included the very famous ‘fruit of the Spirit’.  While many Christians may be able to recite some or all of the fruit, there is much we may not know about this important topic. To begin with, Gal 5:22 talks about the ‘fruit’, singular; not...